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Careers & Employment Information

Back to School for a Career Change

Q. I hate my job as a computer consultant.

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Something That Hasnt Been Invented Yet!

Most of us were brought up to study hard, get good grades, choose a "practical" college major, and strive for a "good job."Talk to a stranded midlife career-changer and you realize the game has changed.

For My Second Career, I Want to Do Nothing!

Q. For my second career, I'd like to know "What to do when you have done a lot and nothing really interests you anymore.

Seven Myths You Must Challenge Now To Begin Your Second Career Today

* Has it been awhile since you explored career options?* Are you making your 21st century choices based on beliefs that were accurate when Reagan was president of the US (and Thatcher was PM of Great Britain)?* Do you wish you could take a test that would point you to the perfect Second Career?Then you're probably operating on yesterday's myths -- time to move to today's reality!Myth #1: Science supports the traditional linear career change model: test for interests, identify careers and go find a job.Reality #1 Researchers at Stanford and Harvard found that career exploration proceeds in a zig-zag trial-and-error path, almost always with a hint of serendipity.

Ten Things To Do When You Really, Really Hate Your Job

1. Begin focusing on what you want instead of how much you want to escape.

When Your Job Goes Away: Seven Tips

Q. "What do I do after a job goes away?"A.

How People Really Explore New Careers: What Does A Real Career Search Look Like?

The traditional model of career choice suggests a linear pattern. Get to know yourself.

Career Planning for Gifted Adults

"James is so restless and energetic. I wonder if he's hyperactive.

The Springtime of Your Career

Rick Jarow, author of Creating the Work You Love, introduced many of us to the notion of career seasons. When we're struggling with a career, we're most likely to think of winter.

Looking for Work in All the Wrong Places

The Question: After identifying a potential employer, I get contact information, do my research and send out my resume and cover letter, requesting an interview for a management or human resource position. I am listed with recruiters and staffing agencies and call them every week.

Losing A Career Can Feel Like Getting A Divorce

Most of us are aware that we need to grieve the death of a close friend, relative or favorite pet. We are beginning to learn that other events -- relocation, divorce, illness -- can also be experienced as loss.

Prepare for Your Performance Review Before You Start the Job

When you start a new job, you probably realize the first three months are critical to your long-term success. Everybody's eye is on the "newbie" as you learn the ropes.

7 Steps To A Job-Winning Resume

A new resume can jump-start your career. Your network contacts may ask for a resume and some industries absolutely, positively demand a resume as the price of admission.

Ten Tips to a Powerful Resume

A new resume can jump-start your career. Your network contacts may ask for a resume and some industries absolutely, positively demand a resume as the price of admission.

Five Biggest Resume Mistakes You Can Fix Yourself

A career consultant can diagnose and overhaul a troubledresume. But you can check off the basics yourself.

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