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Careers & Employment Information

Cover Letters

Cover Letters: Are you telling them what they want to know?Let's face it. Recruiters (or employers) are smarter than we think.

Why Culinary Education

If you are thinking about a career in culinary arts then studying in a culinary school is a must. You may be a great cook but you will never become expert learning culinary arts yourself.

My Landscaping Business is Better Than Your Lanscaping Business...

Yesterday I was having a discussion with Mary who I know from a mother's group that I attend with my daughter Sammi. Through previous conversations I have determined that this woman is very talented in the areas of landscaping and interior design.

How to Pick the Best Career For You , Part 2: From Exposure-to-Opportunity

Gain an audience by recognizing opportunityThere's a sexier method to salsa into a great career with less tripping and more flair. Look for problems to solve and create a personalized solution.

How to Turn a Job Search into a Career Find

The only way to find a new career is to stop looking for a job Career success requires the identical effort and targeting as setting a course for continuous professional development.Job opportunities are found through the strategic use of the same steering mechanism that successfully sells products and services: Positioning, Exposure and Marketing.

How To Write A Resume Cover Letter That Will Get Your Resume Read

A Resume Cover Letter has only one purpose - to stimulate the recipient of your resume to review your resume. This free resume cover letter tutorial assumes that you will be sending your resume and resume cover letter by email.

How to Pick the Best Career for You: Part 3

Marketing-with-Intent precisely drives you to your target and with greater speed because you are using the right mode of transportation, an accurate compass and a clear vision of where you're headed. You'll differentiate yourself from your competition by using the right vehicle to uncover the best career for you.

Do You Have the courage to ignore the experts?

Do you have the courage to ignore the experts? Do you have the willingness and ability to understand and use the power that is within you? Courage is that state of mind when you do something that you know is right for you and your loved ones and the rest of the world thinks you're mad. The ability to make the decision and then make it happen.

Successful Job Search: 10 Steps To Quickly Acquire Your Dream Job And Put More Money In Your Pocket

Do you want to continue your costly, time-consuming and exhausting struggle in a frustrating job search using weak, ineffective tools that are getting you nowhere? The job market today is fiercely competitive with few high-paying or desirable jobs available. With repeated downsizings, companies have learned to survive with less.

What To Do

Ever had that perfect life when everything seems perfect yet you wanna die. I am in the situation where I have the perfect imperfect world.

Your Value Proposition: A Critical Component To Having A Successful Job Search

Your value proposition is a series of statements defining your worth. It is the value you bring to the table - the skills, strengths, core competencies, marketable assets and accomplishments you can declare as your own.

The Perils Of Employment: Are You About To Be Let Go?

From the moment you are born and you take your first breath, you begin to die.It's just a fact of life.

Your Salary: What Are You Worth?

Why is it a good idea to determine your worth? Whether you plan to stay at your current job or seek employment elsewhere, your assessment of your worth can become a bargaining chip should you choose to negotiate for higher compensation. It's a reference point on your way to improving not only your standard of living but your sense of self as well.

Effective Networking Skills: The Art Of Taking Your Job Search To A Whole New Level

Your network consists of family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and former employers. It also consists of your dentist, your barber or hair stylist, your accountant and your local grocery store manager.

Job Offer Negotiations: Getting What You Want

You have worked hard at finding your next job. You have come through many obstacles and have reached your career objective.

More Resources

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