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Careers & Employment Information

How To Deal With A Nightmare Boss

It can happen to anyone. there's a change in the organization and -- suddenly -- you find yourself working for the boss from Hell.

3 Reasons To Hire From Outside Your Industry

While at times it may prove comfortable and convenient to hire from within your current industry, often the best candidate for the job comes from outside your "comfort zone". How can that be? As a recruiter focused on a highly regulated and competitive industry experiencing significant growth nationwide, here are 3 reasons to hire from outside your industry:1.

What To Do When HR Calls...

Generally, when you present yourself as a prospective candidate for a new employment opportunity, your information will filter through the Human Resources department. Since every company has their own hiring process, understand that you cannot always control when HR will call you.

Network Now

Have you ever been to a networking event that was awkward, frustrating and nothing more than a business card exchange? In his book MANHATTAN SOCIETY: The Art & Spirituality of Networking, Chris London says "Networking with integrity creates a greater willingness of all parties to be part of a human conduit to serve as energy and resource to one another. Sometimes you will give more than you receive and sometimes you will get back more than you give.

Careers-Changing Jobs: The Fantasy of the Ideal Job

Most people would agree that the concept of a job today is vastly different from that of 20 years ago. Organisations are changing at speed, technology has changed the face and pace of work, and globalisation is pushing every business to examine it's operations in a totally different context.

"How to Look Your Best in a Down Economy"

As you know too well ~ many jobs have been lost during the turn down in our economy over the last several years. Important sectors as well as entire industries have felt the challenges of lost profits and reduced staff.

Confidence Is Critical to YOUR Success....

Make EYE contact when you look at another person. Look at them!! Don't look down at your shoes or away from the other person.

How To Stay Calm in Tryng Times

That's not you? Great! Bad habits are hard to break once the addiction gets hold of us. Been there.

The Top 10 Mistakes Job Seekers Should Avoid In Contacting An Employer

There are numerous tools and resources available to guide job seekers through the steps of a career transition. These tools are very useful and suggest much that you should do.

Prepare for YOUR Future now --

All Presidential candidates (before and after) make all kinds of promises about YOUR 'social security' when running for the top job. Regardless of the promises, YOU are the one who has to live or die by the future plans made on your behalf.

Business Experience is YOUR Security Cover

Some may want to interpret "independent" to mean WITHOUT others. None of us are truly independent or able to make it in life alone.

Franchising Offers NO Guarantees --

You have to ask --- IS a FRANCHISE FOR YOU?There are NO guarantees. You invest your money and take your chances.

Youre Bright And Talented -- TooT Your Own Horn --

Obviously, there are RIGHT ways to move UP the ladder. Being in the right place certainly has tremendous benefits.

Build New Habits -- Payday Will Come --

Feeling that it never works is not a good excuse. You may even remember last year not getting past February.

Planning Your Successful Career: 15 Ideas

"Doing a good job is one of the most important ways to move up the ladder", says Dr. Don Bagin, Professor of Communications at Glassbro State College.

More Resources

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