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5 Characteristics of a Dynamic Loan Processor

Not everyone is cut out to be a mortgage processor. Find out if you or a team member has what it takes to be a dynamic processor.

A dynamic loan processor?

1. Is an Excellent Communicator - A dynamic processor has great communication skills. He/she is one who clearly understands how critical the processor function is to a successful loan closing. The dynamic processor accepts the responsibility for communicating the good, the bad, and the ugly to all involved in a professional manner. The dynamic processor creates an understanding of what has to happen and why it has to happen.

2. Is Resourceful - A processor that knows who to call, what to ask, how to get it, and where to find it,is invaluable. When a deal needs to close before the interest rate lock expires or that purchase deal needs to fund on time, the resourceful processor will use his/her expertise to make it happen.

3. Has a pleasing personality - A dynamic processor leaves the attitude at home. Although it is sometimes a challenge to stay positive and upbeat while interacting with so many parties, the dynamic processor gets it done.

4. Is Focused - A dynamic processor maintains a focus on meeting the team's funding goal. He/she will take the time to learn about a new program or new lender resource that may make it easier to get loans through the system or to service a different type of borrower.

5. Is Organized - A dynamic processor is definitely well organized. He/she will typically develop his/her own system of resources to compliment the existing organizational structure. This system allows the dynamic processor to make adjustments or switch gears quickly when priorities change.

The ability to process quickly and efficiently is key to exceeding production goals. Take advantage of as many learning opportunities as possible to strengthen your expertise.

Stephanie Graham is a mortgage professional with more than two decades of experience in both retail and wholesale lending. Stephanie has excelled in a number of positions including CRA officer, corporate trainer, consultant, and as an executive of Complete Mortgage Processing. More tips and techniques for mortgage processing and origination can be found at

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