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Careers & Employment Information

Dressing Tips for Interview Success

Dressing appropriately for job interviews is one of those areas that puzzles some people.Should you dress conservatively or wear casual attire?What colors work best?What types of shoes should you wear?As a rule, you should dress conservatively for most job interviews.

Surprise! Accounting is the Hot New Major

There was a time when accounting was the boring college major that many people regretted signing up for. A constant barrage of numbers, statistics and spreadsheets was none too interesting.

5 Simple Rules for A Great Job Interview

Many years ago, when I was a young job-searching greenhorn, I ventured to New York City to take a bite out of the big apple of opportunity.When it came to finding a job in a crowded city of millions, I quickly learned that it's much easier on one's sanity to sign up with one of the many employment agencies which helps job seekers looking for work.

Resume Writing and Preparation is Free Online

Creating a strong resume is a very important part of applying for a job, either online or off line. There are many resume writing services that will help you build an impressive resume for job interviews.

Should You Lie On Your Resume?

Warning: Lying on your resume could cost you your job and your freedom.Picture this.

7 Tips for Writing Winning Resume Cover Letters

Writing a good resume cover letter is something you should seriously consider when preparing to send off your resume to potential employers.Here are seven important cover letter writing tips:Address the individual by name.

Are You Sabotaging Your Career?

My experience working with thousands of leaders world wide for the past two decades teaches me that most leaders are screwing up their careers.On a daily basis, these leaders are getting the wrong results or the right results in the wrong ways.

Surviving Corporate Politics Part 2: Keeping Up Appearances

Never a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression, or so the saying goes. We all know that when someone is introduced into your work environment for the first time, their peers size them up immediately.

How To Get a Job Offer From Every Interview

About four years ago a friend told me one night that she had an interview the next week and was looking for some comfort as she was extremely nervous, as most people are about interviews. I thought back on my my carreer and realized that in the nine year of my career I had been to thirteen interviews and, more importantly, that I had received a job offer from every one of those interviews.

The Not-So-Effective Cover Letter

Here's a newsflash: Cover letters work, plain and simple. This is why I'm intrigued by the fact that a) jobseekers rarely submit them and b) hiring managers seldom read them.

What To Do When You Get Caught Surfing By The Boss!

It has been a long morning and you need a mental break. You start thinking of your weekend plans and jump on your messaging program to make plans with a friend.

The Global Work Marketplace - The Revolution Of How Work Gets Done

Will cubicles be a distant memory for today's workforce? Will the expense of office space and the tremendous burden of employee benefits be a thing of the past for modern day businesses?The reality is, for thousands of people, this change has already occurred. Internet based 'Service Auctions' now abound where businesses can post their ongoing jobs or one-time projects to a global market of freelance professionals, a.

Yesterdays Project Manager is Todays Project Engineer

The rapid growth of technology, greater exposure to knowledge, higher levels of awareness are making the young project engineer act more and more like a project manager.What I mean is, todays project engineers are actively supervising new graduates, setting and monitoring schedules & budgets, interacting with clients and so on.

Working as a Knowledge Worker in the Information Age

The old adages: "It's not what you know, but who you know" and "High Tech, High Touch" could be the mottos of knowledge workers in the 21st Century.Never before in the history of the world has both networking and interpersonal communication been potentially easier, broader, more wide-spread and paradoxically, more difficult.

How to Change Career Horses in Mid-Stream

You'll get wet but the reward just might be a more fulfilling ride!In Survival is Not Enough, author Seth Godin says change is the "new normal." Rather than thinking of work as a series of stable times interrupted by moments of change, Godin says we "must now recognize work as constant change, with only occasional moments of stability.

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